姓 名:王东强
性 别: 男
职 称:副教授
职 务: 无
学 位:博士
1. 机械振动噪声分析控制与利用
2. 现代纺织装备技术与系统
3. 先进制造工艺装备及其自动化
1. 河南省高等学校重点科研项目:基于颗粒阻尼技术的高速卷绕头的振动控制(20A460030)
2. 中国纺织工业联合会科技指导性项目:基于颗粒阻尼技术的高频针刺机的振动控制(2017095)
3. 河南省高等学校重点科研项目:高频针刺机的振动分析与控制(18B460022)
4. 横向项目:熔炼工序坩埚加热装置改进工艺的研发(合同金额:30万)
5. 横向项目:砂型3D打印机的整机动态特性分析与优化设计及铺砂工艺的研发(合同金额: 60万元)
1. 西安交通大学第五届NSK机械工程学优秀论文成果奖
2. 2016届西安交通大学优秀毕业生(博士)
3. 2019年河南省教学技能竞赛工科一等奖
1. Li Mingming, Wang Dongqiang, Chen Wenguang Dong Xuewu, Yu Hechun. Comments on "Theoretical and simulation analysis of abrasive particles in centrifugal barrel finishing: Kinematics mechanism and distribution characteristics"[J]. Powder Technology, 2019, 353: 433-436(SCI: IE9LE).
2. Wang Dongqiang, Wu Chengjun, A novel prediction method of vibration and acoustic radiation for rectangular plate with particle dampers [J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2018, 32(7): 3483‑3485 (SCI: GN5CW).
3. Wang Dongqiang, Wu Chengjun, Yang Ruichao. Prediction of vibration response and acoustic radiation of a thin-walled box with particle dampers using multiphase flow theory of gas-particle[J]. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 2016, 64(1): 85‑98 (SCI: DG3XV).
4. Wang Dongqiang, Wu Chengjun. A novel prediction method of vibration and acoustic radiation for rectangular plate with particle dampers [J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016, 30(3): 1021‑1035 (SCI: DG7AX).
5. Wang Dongqiang, Wu Chengjun. Vibration Response Prediction of Plate with Particle Dampers Using Cosimulation Method[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2015, 2015(Article ID 270398): 14 pages (SCI: CX2RK).
6. Wang Dongqiang, Wu Chengjun. Parameter estimation and arrangement optimization of particle dampers on the cantilever rectangular plate[J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2015, 17 (5): 2503-2520 (SCI: CP6QT).
7. Wang Dongqiang, Wu Chengjun, Yang Ruichao. Free Vibration of the Damping Beam Using Co-simulation Method Based on the MFT [J]. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 2015. 20(4): 251-257 (SCI: CZ5CJ).
8. Wu Chengjun, Wang Dongqiang; Yang Ruichao, et al. Acoustic radiation response prediction of thin-walled box with particle dampers using multiphase flow theory of gas-particle[C]. Proceedings of the 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, November 16-19, 2014: 617-624 (EI: 20150900584863).
9. Wang Dongqiang, Wu Chengjun, Yang Ruichao, et al. Forced vibration of the particle-damping beam based on multiphase flow theory of gas-particle[C]. Proceedings of the 21st International Congress on Sound & Vibration, Beijing, China, 13-17 July, 2014: 114-121 (EI: 20150700526219).
10. Wang Dongqiang, Wu Chengjun, Yang Ruichao. An insight into the analytical models of granular particle damping [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 819: 13-19 (EI: 20134316904802).
11. 吴成军,杨瑞超,王东强.基于气体-颗粒两相流理论的颗粒阻尼悬臂梁振动响应预估[J].机械工程学报,2013,49(10):53-61 (EI:20132516433070).
Email: 6541@zut.edu.cn